Thursday 1 January 2015

Grand Hotel: Who are the main characters?

The main characters in Grand Hotel are as follows.

Teresa Aldecoa - played by Adriana Ozores.  The upstairs matriach, and no mistake.  You don't want to mess with Dona Teresa.

Alicia Alarcón - played by Amaia Salamanca.  The upstairs heroine who is in love with the downstairs hero.

Julio Olmedo / Julio Espinosa / Julio Molins - played by Yon González. The downstairs hero who is in love with the upstairs heroine.

Javier Alarcón - played by Eloy Azorín. Feckless brother and son. He might live upstairs but he hasn't got much going on in his own head. Great fun to watch.

Alfredo Vergara - played by Fele Martínez. Husband of Sofia. Nice but dim.

Benjamín - played by Manuel de Blas. Boo! Hiss! Hide the knives! Downstairs ne'er do well and general horror.

Horacio Ayala - played by Pep Antón Muñoz. Policeman of the parish. Useless but always gets his man in the end.

Diego Murquía / Adrián Vera Celande - played by Pedro Alonso. Husband of Alicia but she doesn't love him, she loves Julio from Downstairs.  Diego is ruthless to the core and will do anything it takes to take control of the hotel.

Sofía Alarcón - played by Luz Valdenebro.  Daughter of Dona Theresa, sister to Alicia. Ruthless. Pretended she was pregnant so as not to lose her husband but he left her anyway.

Belén Martín - played by Marta Larralde.  Downstairs trouble maker and a bit of a tart. 

Andrés Alarcón Salinas / Andrés Cernuda Salinas - played by Llorenç González. Downstairs counterpart and best friend of Julio. Generally wonderful person but his heart has been lost to Belen and she doesn't deserve him.  His mother is...

Ángela Salinas - played by Concha Velasco.  Angela rules the downstairs with a rod of iron. She puts the hotel before her own family, totally devoted to the Alarcon family.  Downstairs matriach.

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